Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Obeservational Sketchbooks

This is a drawing that I did of light reflecting off of water. I think it was my most successful of the light through water series. It captured the abstract shapes that are created in the movement of both the water and the light. 

This is actually unfinished at the moment but I think it it my most successful self portrait so far. I am not as confident in drawing faces, especially my own, but I think I did a good job with technique. It was a lot easier to get my face closer to accurate because of the shadowing and hatching. When this is finished contrast will be very important.

This last drawing from my sketchbook is of my wood system. I think I did a good job showing detail.

This is a drawing out of Alex Pokas' sketchbook. It was my favorite of her self portraits. She did a really good job capturing the expression in her face which is not easy to do. I can tell it's her, and there is a minimal amount of lines or shading on the page.

This is a drawing from Adrienne Boyea's sketchbook. I liked the technique she used here. She creates dark shadowing with different line weights and messy strokes with her pencil. It gives you a good sense of the bark on the twigs.
Check out more work from both of my classmates on their own personal blogs:

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